Thursday, June 11, 2009

Genius Squad

One of those people happened to be the son of the Clearview house owner called Aaron. He was a man of great wealth. He was also a generous man too. He offered the kid $50,000 for 3 months of work the $ 5,000 every 3 months after that.

Aaron always tried to bring GenoMe down but to no avail. They had always won because Aaron had no proof so he thought that maybe he needed fresh thinkers and little kids with incredibly high IQ, was the answer because they were none intelligent then any one in the world? So he thought that he should build a house and make sure no cops can get into it, and keep the kids working until they bring GenoMe down but geno me took a very long time to build so it was built flawlessly that way it was very hard for it to be hacked into, it actually took Caddel a month or two to finally get into there computer network and install the bug so GenoMe could be brought down and no more people could be killed but there were other GenoMe, and they had to be brought down so it took Caddel another two years to bring them all down and Aaron finally got his revenge for GenoMe killing his son.

Murphy Rahme
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